Before searching for Records:
Talk to family and relatives. It may take some time to find information on genealogy databases, that is already known to a family member. Collecting this information will give any family researcher a good start before looking to the records. Start researching from what is known and use this information to find out more. Take each item of information as potential evidence, using it to find more information that in turn becomes evidence for further research.
Surnames and naming:
Although surnames are very specific today, before the 20th century significant variations were commonplace on records in the spelling of surnames. Surname misspelling and English variations occurred during a time when illiteracy was more commonplace and when greater parts of the Irish population spoke Irish as their native language.
Reported ages are often inaccurate. Before the 20th century uncertainty on a person’s precise age was not uncommon.
Record everything:
When researching, the amount of information can grow quickly, especially in the early stages of research. It is important to consider at the outset how the information gathered will be recorded and stored. There are also some inexpensive software packages and websites that allow recording of information.
How to start:
A common sequence when starting research is:
- General Register Office records – Use the state records of births, deaths and marriages to verify known family history. Review the certificates and extract all the information – marriage records are particularly useful.
- 1901 and 1911 Census returns – The 1901 and 1911 Census is a good place to start. It’s free, intuitive and has images of all the original census forms. These provide helpful snapshots of an entire household, with ages, occupations, counties of birth and, in the case of 1911, the number of years married.
- General Register Office records again. – With the information from the census returns, search GRO records again for earlier generations.
- Property records – Information from the GRO will allow researchers to pinpoint relevant entries. Ask about Ireland: Griffith’s Valuation (1847-64) is the only comprehensive mid-19th century census substitute. For the beginning of the 19th century the only near-comprehensive resource is the Tithe Applotment Survey of c.1823-1838. The National Archives have the Tithe Applotment records online for the twenty-six counties in Ireland. The records for the six counties of Northern Ireland are held in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland in Belfast.
- Parish records – Prior to the introduction of civil registration in 1864, Parish records are virtually the only direct sources of family information. Irish Genealogy has Roman Catholic records available for counties Dublin, Kerry, Cork & Ross and Carlow. The National Library of Ireland has microfilm copies of most of the Roman Catholic Church records online up until c.1880. Church of Ireland records for parishes in counties Dublin, Kerry and Carlow are available from Irish Genealogy The Representative Church Body (RCB) Library, which holds many of the Church of Ireland Records, has a number of digitised parish registers available to view on Anglican Records Project. RootsIreland is also a good source for church records.
- Everything else – A wide range of potentially relevant sources exist – directories, occupational records, tenants’ lists, gravestones etc.