Military Records
The Bureau of Military History is the oral history of participants in the nationalist struggle between 1913 and 1921.
The 1770 statements were made between 1948 and 1954. They comprise 35,000 pages of typescript, now fully searchable for free online. There are also ca. 600 photographs, 12 voice recordings, and offline, a wealth of contemporary documents donated to the Bureau. You can search for people and places familiar to you to get a vibrant picture of what was going on during the revolutionary period. The records can be found at bureauofmilitaryhistory.ie.
The Military Service Pensions Project exists to catalogue and digitise ca. 285,000 files dealing with applications for pensions from those active on the nationalist side between 1916 and 1923. They are extraordinarily detailed records of events at the time, requiring a high standard of verification, and are accompanied by a wealth of ancillary material gathered by the assessors to aid them in their deliberations, including detailed maps of battle sites.
The first tranche of these files, released in 2013, comprised all of the 1916 claimants. The files are searchable by people, places and key words. The records can be found on the military archives pensions collection.